Hits :1377
BBC Homepage

Charities - Action for Children
Hits :1537
One of the UK's leading children's charities. Action for Children supports and speaks out for the most vulnerable children and young people in the UK..

Charities - ALL WE CAN
Hits :1324
All We Can - Methodist Relief and Development. All We Can makes small miracles possible for people living in the world's poorest communities.

Charities - CBM - The Overseas Disability Charity
Hits :2880
CBM is an international Christian disability and development organisation, committed to improving the quality of life of persons with disabilities and at risk of disabilities in the poorest countries of the world.

Charities - Counselling Directory
Hits :1358
Counselling Directory is a confidential service that encourages those in distress to seek help. The directory contains information on many different types of distress, as well as articles, news, and events. To ensure the professionalism of our website, all counsellors have provided us with qualifications and insurance cover or proof of membership with a professional body.

Charities - Leprosy Mission
Hits :1721
Details of the work of the Leprosy Mission

Charities - Methodist Homes
Hits :4500
Methodist Homes (MHA) is a charity providing care homes, accommodation and support services for older people throughout Britain.

Christian Enquiry Agency
Hits :1408
The Christian Enquiry Agency provides information for people who want to find out about the Christian faith and its founder Jesus Christ. To find out what we do, click the link below.

Local Authority - Ealing
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The local authority for the area

Local Book Shop
Hits :2760
Local Christian Book shop also a Fairtrade outlet.

Local Churches - Ealing Green
Hits :1368
Ealing Green Church a Methodist and United Reformed sister church within the Ealing Trinity Circuit

Local Churches - Hanwell
Hits :1422
Hanwell Methodist Church one of the sister churches in the Ealing Trinity Circuit

Local Churches - Hounslow
Hits :2874
A church in the adjoing circuit that has an active musical concert programme under the 'Cafearts' title - current programme details from

Local Churches - Northolt
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Northolt Methodist Church one of the sister churches in the Ealing Trinity Circuit

Local Churches - St Johns
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St. John's is a lively Anglican church in Ealing, West London. We meet for contemporary worship and biblical teaching on Sundays, and in small groups mid-week.

Local Churches - St Pauls
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Local Anglican Church

Local Community - Ealing Art Group
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An active group of artists, founded in 1910 to promote and sell work and enhance their knowledge. We hold regular exhibitions, demonstrations, appreciation meetings and studio evenings. New members of all abilities are warmly welcomed.

Local Community - ECN
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Ealing Community Network provides a collective voice for voluntary and community groups in Ealing

Hits :2043
What is the SALAAMATI PROJECT? The SALAAMATI PROJECT seeks to improve the health, wholeness and well-being of all in the local community by providing a range of high-quality services tailored to the needs of people in the area. ("SALAAMATI" is a Punjabi word related to the Arabic "salaam" and Hebrew "shalom", meaning deep peace, wholeness and well-being.)

Local Newspaper - Ealing Gazette
Hits :3769
Ealing Gazette one of the local newspapers serving the area around Kingsdown

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