Thursday Worship on Zoom

Thursday Worship on Zoom

We are a group of about 20 people who meet to pray and to reflect on scripture together. 

We meet for about 45 minutes on Thursday mornings on Zoom at 10.00am (see Calendar for dates). We bring names and pray for those who God has put on our hearts - a very simple and very powerful time of prayer. We read a reading from the lectionary each week - usually a Gospel reading - and we share with one another very simply what God might be saying to us through the passage. All are welcome to contribute, but nobody has to! We have been surprised at how much we have become a supportive community. This began on line during lockdown, and has continued both online and in person as restrictions have eased. We now consider this an important aspect of our weekly prayer and worship and intend to continue it each week.

Please complete the Enquirers 'details form' to obtain more information about joining this group.

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